Friday, February 6, 2009

Paragon Sailing Charters set "green" goals!

Economic conservation seems to be the theme for todays businesses, and Paragon Sailing Charters is taking this action to heart.  Our company has recently changed our software programs within our office that directly affects our paper consumption, and therefore, our efforts at conservation.  Our new program is so basic in concept, we are amazed we did not take advantage of it sooner!

Our Captains & crew are now able to log onto one website to see our charter activities for now and in the future.  In the past, we would need to print manifests and fax to our respective employees.  With our new software, we are able to allow employee access to this same information.  And as a result, we have reduced our paper consumption by more than half!

These and other green efforts motivate all of us at Paragon Sailing Charters.  As stewards of our planet, we continue to strive for positive visitor experiences with minimal environmental impact.  

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